Remedial massage is used to locate and repair damaged areas of the body and speed up the body’s own healing processes. The pressure applied in this healing treatment can either be strong and deep or gentle and shallow, depending on the problem.
Problems with the muscles can trigger or radiate pain to other parts of the body. Remedial massage aims to trace the original reason for the pain, tackling both the cause of the problem and the symptoms.
Scientific research about the health effects of aromatherapy is mixed or lacking.
According to the NCCIH, stimulating oils to boost mood have been found effective in some studies. Examples of these include lemon, orange, and tangerine. However, lavender, though widely considered safe, was found not to affect mood in that same study.
Another study looked at the effects of chamomile and massage therapy for anxiety relief. According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI)Trusted Source, the results showed a greater decrease in anxiety symptoms after massages with chamomile versus massage without aromatherapy.
Overall, the NCI notes that aromatherapy has shown benefits for the following uses: